Voice of Mongolia

Voice of Mongolia

Voice of Mongolia is Mongolia’s national radio broadcaster. It provides news and information to Mongolians and people all around the world. It has a long history of providing as a key source of news, culture, and entertainment for the Mongolian people, having been founded in 1934.

Voice of Mongolia official website – vom.mn/

Voice of Mongolia Programs

This radio station is well-known for providing thorough news coverage. It offers daily news coverage of both national and international topics. It broadcasts a wide range of talk shows and interviews on a variety of themes. Politics, economics, culture, and social issues are frequently addressed in these debates. It offers significant insights into current events in Mongolia as well as the viewpoints of specialists, analysts, and prominent personalities.

This radio station is very important in maintaining and promoting Mongolian culture. It transmits traditional Mongolian music, folklore, and stories, allowing listeners to sample the country’s diverse cultural history. Aside from news and information, this station broadcasts a wide range of music, including modern and traditional Mongolian songs, as well as worldwide music.

Voice of Mongolia Aim

This radio station provides the international community with a vital view of Mongolia. It broadcasts news and cultural information in many languages to reach listeners all over the world, helping Mongolia’s global outreach and diplomacy.  This station extremely important in informing, entertaining, and educating the Mongolian people. It acts as a cultural bridge and source of national pride for the Mongolian people, as well as a facilitator of international understanding and collaboration.

This station, like many national broadcasters, is active in the distribution of critical public service announcements, particularly during emergencies or times of crisis.


Country: Mongolia

Genre: news, talk

Language: Mongolian and English

Address: English section, The Voice of Mongolia, CPO box 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia

E-mail: vom_en@yahoo.com

Voice of Mongolia

Contact Details

  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoiceOfMongolia
  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/mongoliinradio