Listen to Radio 10, Argentina’s Voice of Information and Entertainment.

Radio 10 is a prominent radio station in Argentina. It has captured the hearts of millions with its engaging programs, informative talk shows, and a rich history that spans decades.

This is a premier radio station with over 30 years of broadcasting. It covers politics, sports, entertainment, culture, and current affairs. Aims to promote social justice, democracy, and pluralism through original, high-quality content.


In 1989, journalist Daniel Hadad founded Radio 10. A radio station in Argentina that challenged traditional media and provided a unique perspective on national reality. As the first station to use AM stereo sound and also the first to broadcast live from the presidential palace, it became a trusted news and opinion source, attracting millions of listeners.


Radio 10 is a radio station that offers a variety of programs that cover current affairs, politics, sports, entertainment, culture, and more.

Some of its popular shows are:

  • El Pase en R10: Jorge Rial and Marcelo Longobardi comment on the topics of the day with humor and irony.
  • La Mañana de Radio 10: Gustavo Sylvestre provides news and analysis of the national and international reality, with interviews and debates.
  • La Medianoche de Radio 10: Carlos Polimeni invites artists and intellectuals to share their stories and opinions, with music and culture recommendations.
  • Puro Cuento: Paulo Kablan narrates stories that mix fiction and reality, with surprising endings.
  • Argenzuela: Jorge Rial exposes the corruption and inequality that affect the Argentine society, with investigations and interviews.


Some of its most renowned presenters and journalists  are:

  • Jorge Rial,
  • Marcelo Longobardi,
  • Gustavo Sylvestre,
  • Oscar González Oro,
  • Baby Etchecopar,
  • Paulo Kablan,
  • Luis Novaresio,
  • Mariana Moyano,
  • among others.

In terms of popularity, Radio10 enjoys a massive and dedicated listenership across Argentina.

Radio 10 has a large influence on Argentine public opinion and culture. It represents the country’s variety and complexity. The radio station also has a strong social commitment, sponsoring a variety of causes and projects aimed at improving people’s quality of life. Furthermore, It has won various honors and accolades for its journalism and contributions to the radio business.



FaceBook: radio10

Twitter: @Radio10

Instagram: radio10

YouTube: Radio10am

Language: Spanish

Contact Number: +54 11 4833-8800

Address: Uriarte 1899.

Radio 10